Home Skills Training

This 8 week program was created to encourage players to work on their footskills at home. Access to these simple but important footskill exercises are not recommended for players under 9 years of age. Preview the sample session below.


Repeat a minimum of 2-3 times per week before moving on to the next session. 

You should increase the speed of the exercises each time you repeat the session.

End each session with a minimum of 5 minutes of juggling.


Inside Control (stationary)

Start with the ball in front of you roll the ball using the bottom of your foot to your right and

catch it with the inside of your foot taping it back to the middle. Repeat with the other foot.

2-1:00 minute sets with a 1:00 rest in between each set.


Inside Control (moving)

Same as above but now move around the ball in a clockwise direction for 2 turns then

reverse your direction.

2-1:00 minute sets with a 1:00 rest in between each set.


Inside Control-clear space

Sole to the inside then push with the outside of the opposite foot into space.

Gather the ball and repeat with the other foot.

2-1:00 minute sets with a 1:00 rest in between each set.


L turn Open Up

Start with pulling the ball back with the sole of your foot and pushing out with the inside

of the other foot (L shape).  Repeat this movement tracing an L shape each time.

2 1:00 minute sets with a 1:00 rest in between each set.


Featured Move SHOULDER DIP

Dribble straight ahead then dip the shoulder one way and push the ball in the opposite

direction of the shoulder dip. Explode to the open area and practice again.

Use a cone as a pretend defender

Practice this move for 5 minutes back and forth a few yards a part.


Featured Trick PULL TAP

Pull the ball back with one foot and tap with the other foot. Repeat sequence alternating feet.

Practice this trick for 5 minutes.


Fun Fitness With A Ball

3 sets of each exercise for 30 seconds/set with a 1:00 minute rest in between each exercise.

1-Ball between your ankles. Sitting on your hands and lift the ball 6 inches off the ground.
2-Same as above but hands at your sides.
3-Same as above but back is off the ground in a V position.


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