Cella Special

Snap shot

Small sided team activity with 1V1 battles

Set up

4 Cones-4-5 balls-divide into 4 teams


Divide the team into 4 groups. Each group starts at a cone with one player from each team ready to begin. The coach throws a ball into the middle of the playing area and the first player from each line must try to win the ball and complete a pass back to the next person in their line. 1 point is awarded if this pass is completed. No points if the ball goes out of bounds or is a bad pass away from the teams cone. The pass must be controlled by the teammate. No point if it is not controlled.

Play to 10-15. Coach throws balls on the ground in the air. Can also throw two balls at a time.

Coaching Points

If a player does not get to the ball first they must defend to win the ball back. Don’t give up.

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